- falling-out
- 吵架: quarrel; wrangle; have a row ...
- 争吵: quarrel; wrangle; squabble
- 争吵, 吵架: exchange words
- 争吵吵架: quarrel
- 吵架: quarrel; wrangle; have a row; brawl; bicker over 为小事吵架 bicker over sth. unimportant; wrangle with sb. over trifles; 与邻居吵架 have a row with a neighbour; 我不希望我们两家吵架吵得不可开交。 i don't want to see our two neighbours engaged in a brawl. 他们不喜欢他, 他老爱和人吵架。 they don't like him; he is always quarrelling with people
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